Plantings For some, plants are the most exciting part of a garden. The choices are endless! Here are a few of my favorites… I love Japanese Anemones! Gorgeous hydrangeas at Green Spring Gardens. Oakleaf Hydrangea are a local favorite! Heuchera (HEW-ker-uh) are a wonderful perennial that range in color from lime green to deep red. A stunning Japanese maple seems to glow in the woods. A popcorn viburnum in bloom- gorgeous! Thujopsis Nothing’s cheerier than daisies! Winterberries One of my very favorite perennials! Spring beauty from Colorblends. Muhly Grass is a wonderfully soft and fluffy grass- perfect for children! Cedar The Gotelli Gardens, National Arboretum. Dawn Redwoods have been around since the dinosaurs. A fall-blooming climber. The US Ambassador’s garden in London- second in size only to Her Majesty’s.