Things are always changing in the world of landscaping. New plants are introduced, new hardscape materials, new environmental regulations- fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for continuing education in our area. Here are some of the things I’ve been up to lately:
- North Arlington Spring Garden Tour (6/18)
- Montgomery County Annual “Green Matters” Symposium, Silver Spring, MD (2/18)
- APLD dc-md-va 2nd Annual Winter Lecture- Implementing the Design with Nick McCullough (1/18)
- Taking Care of Business- Annual small business seminar sponsored by APLD/dc-md-va (10/17)
- 3 Simple Steps to Refresh Your Landscape Design Business, Kristan Browne (webinar) (9/17)
- Garden Tour and Education at North Creek Nurseries, “where horticulture meets ecology” (9/17)
- Garden Design Seminar with Bill Thompson from Chanticleer (webinar) (8/17)
- Local Garden Tours featuring APLD Design Projects (Chevy Chase) (6/17)
- New Introductions from Proven Winners (webinar) (2/17)
- Green Matters Annual Symposium, Montgomery County Parks (2/17)
- APLD Winter Lecture Series: Garden Design Seminar with Matthew Cunningham (2/17)
- StormwaterWise Contractor Training, Arlington County (1/17)